Thankful For So Much
This is a day to reflect on and appreciate all that we have and all that is good. I write about local athletes as they compete in the NCAA. There is a lot of good that makes that happen.
I am thankful for my family. If not for them, not much else would matter. I am thankful to live in the most free country in the world. I am thankful there are those willing to fight for the freedoms and liberties so many have taken for granted.
Sports. Yes, I am thankful for sports. Not everything about sports. But, sports done right. I am thankful for those who understand why youth sports are called youth sports. There is a reason “adult” isn’t in the name. I am thankful when adults understand that youth sports aren’t about them. Adults have huge responsibilities, and I am thankful for those who do so much while in the background. I am thankful for the lessons that are available to youth when they participate in sports. Sacrifice, hard work, mental acuity, teamwork, and leadership are all vital life lessons that can be discovered through youth sports. Sports continually provide life lessons. Whether you are practicing or competing. Whether you are winning or losing. If youth aren’t learning something, then that is on the adults. I am thankful for the adults who convert those opportunities into realities for our youth.
I am thankful for administrators who work behind the scene to organize teams and leagues. To make game day happen. I am thankful for coaches who coach for the right reasons. Few know the names of the coaches who matter the most. And the coaches who matter the most get paid the least, if anything at all. They are the moms and dads and other adults who volunteer only to have that “What have I done??” moment the first time they see those little faces looking at them intently as they address their first team. But, I’m thankful for those who figure it out and help our youth to learn athletic and life skills, and to improve a little each day. I am thankful for the school coaches who do it right. For the ones who value the compensation that is other than financial. Few coaches get wealthy. And, I am thankful for those who achieve the richness that can be obtained when helping one more group of boys or girls to mature into adults.
I am thankful for referees and umpires who work hard and make very public split second decisions for little compensation. Being human, they will make mistakes. And I am thankful for the vital life lessons those mistakes provide our youth. Worry about what you can control and move on from adversity.
I am thankful for parents who get their child to practices and then attend their games, not to mention the washer load after washer load of laundry. Stinky laundry. For when they learn the rules of a new sport of which they had not been familiar. I am thankful for their interest in the advancement of not only their own children, but also the other youth. I am thankful for those parents who are supportive during games and do not confuse and embarrass their child by coaching from the bleachers.
Sports can represent a lot of what is wrong in this world. Sports is a bad thing when done wrong. But, I am thankful that the good, and the opportunities of youth sports is there for all to enjoy and from which to benefit. Take time to pause. Take time to reflect. Be grateful for all of those who make it happen in the right way. And play ball!
Please leave a comment about what, or for whom, you are thankful for: